Update 9/14/2015: Schedule update

Ok. so a lot of things have come up this past week. Due to financial difficulties I’m picking up work as a babysitter and petsitter. I’ve got a lot of potential jobs and interviews coming up for that and need some time to get everything sorted in my schedule so I don’t overwhelm myself again. As such I won’t be able to get any articles up this week either. That being said I will be back next week with my new schedule, the blog site will be updated, and hopefully things will go more smoothly from there on. DiFR will now be Monday’s at 8PM PST and Infuriating Fantasy will be Friday’s at 8PM PST. My super hero series Coalition for Terran Defense will have a new short story, at first, as often as I can get them done, but I hope to move to a monthly release schedule for that once things become more concrete.

If you have any questions for me, let me know. Thank you everyone for your support and patience

Update 9/4/2015: Depression, Anxiety, Time off, and Schedule Changes

Ok, for those who don’t know I have severe depression and anxiety. It’s the primary reason why I currently have no day job and no source of income. I recently had to stop seeing my therapist because I’ve run out of savings. I get sick a lot because, on top of having my immune system weakened by depression and anxiety, I also have anemia and a poor diet. I have a poor diet because I’m highly lactose intolerant and dairy free diets are expensive. On top of all this, my ADHD amplifies my symptoms of depression and anxiety because it makes it so hard to focus on what I need to do and makes my hyperfocus on poisonous thoughts and actions. All of this leaves me with low energy throughout the day and makes it difficult for me to do even simple things like get out of bed in the morning.

I started this blog because I love to write and I love to talk about writing. Don’t worry this isn’t some lead in to a goodbye or anything. It’s just I was so excited to start this and really focus in on writing and making my living as a writer. Cause there is nothing I want more than to do just that.

Unfortunately, in my excitement and rush to get this whole thing going and get content out as fast as possible… I wound up taking on too much too fast. I didn’t even have a proper backlog when I started. I forgot to take my own mental health into consideration. Something I do frequently. I’m very good at taking care of others. I’m terrible when it comes to taking care of myself. I need to change that or I’m never going to get better.

This past week I had a family emergency to deal with. While everything seems to have turned out fine I think it’s acted as an eye opener for me in regards to just how much I’m doing and how much it’s making me ignore all the other things that are just as, if not more, important. I won’t go into detail about what happened. I wouldn’t mind speaking about it but my family is very private so I know they would mind. I mean, my cousins got really nervous about including their children’s birthdates in a family tree project I was doing for school. so there you go.

Basically, I’ve become overwhelmed several times these past few months and it’s time I took a step back and change things so I can take better care of myself. As such I won’t be getting an Infuriating Fantasy article out tonight. I know it’s late notice and I apologize for that. But the longer I delay the easier it will be for me to come up with excuses and stop trying to take care of myself again.

I will also be taking the next week off so I can rest up and focus on some fiction writing. I don’t know if I will be needing more than that but I will let you guys know if I do. When I return it will be to a schedule change with the whole blog. Here’s the low down:

Coalition for Terran Defense: The super hero series I’ve been talking about will be a monthly thing instead of every two weeks and I won’t be able to get the first story up on Monday like I had hoped. I don’t have a due date yet but I’ll let you know when I do.

Infuriating Fantasy: this series will still be on Fridays but I’m gonna move it back a bit to give myself more time in the day to work on it. It will be to either 7PM or 8PM PST.

DiFR: This series will be moved to Mondays so that I’m not rushing to get it done before game night or my local Bisexual Women’s Group. They will also be later in the evening so expect to see them at either 7PM or 8PM PST

Diverse Fantasy Chat: This will remain on schedule but I will be dropping the highlights post. I will still be doing Storify’s of the chats though and I will post links to them here for people to read through. This will also allow those of you not on twitter to participate by posting comments on the blog where the storify link is.

That should cover everything. If any of you have any questions, comments, or feedback please leave a comment or you can contact me through one of the many methods on my contacts page. Thank you all for your understand and I hope to be back soon.

Take care of yourselves everyone.

Update 8/21/2015: #diversefantasychat Rescheduled

hey all, just wanted to give you a heads up about the reschedule for my #diversefantasychat on Twitter.  I made a post about it there but just realized I never made an official update on my blog.  Sorry about that.  Anyway, I won’t be around on the 23rd in order to lead the chat so I’ve rescheduled the first one for August 30 at 6 PM PST/9 PM EST.  The first topic will be about supporting diversity in fantasy.  Afterwards I’m thinking of continuing it every other Sunday and will be making a Storify and highlights blog post to go up by 6 PM PST the day after on Monday.  I’m hoping this schedule shift will give me time to start releasing the superhero series I want to do and keep that on a regular schedule with new stories coming out every other Monday.  That would be the Mondays where no chat has been held to Storify and highlight.

For those not on Twitter (or who are but want to keep chatting) who still want to participate, feel free to continue the discussion and post your own thoughts in the comments section of the Monday highlights post.  I will be going through the comments and responding as much as I can.  See you later.

Update 8/4/2015

Hey everyone, In my last article I mentioned that I would be reviewing two articles this Wednesday for DiFR. Sadly that will not be possible due to private matters.  I will still have a post on Wednesday at my usual time, I just won’t be able to complete both as I had originally hoped.  As such I will be delaying “Avatar the Last Airbender: The Search” until next week.  The book I will be reviewing this week is Blood Price by Martin White, who sent me a free copy of his book for review.  I will pick things back up with Avatar next week.  Hopefully by then things will have settled down.

Update 7/3/2015 #2: Welcome New Followers

I want to give a big welcome and thank you to all my new followers.

To followers new and old, if you have any suggestions for me for the blog itself, things I should write about, or anything else feel free to contact me either through comments or through any of the methods on the contact me page.  I’d love to hear what you have to say.

Happy 4th everyone!

Update 7/3/2015: DiFR and the Library

Well I was hoping to review Pantomime by Laura Lam for my next DiFR review but it turns out the library is closed all weekend for 4th of July, including today.  As such I won’t be able to grab my copy until at least Monday, perhaps even Tuesday since it’s still “in transit”.  As such I sadly will not be able to get to Lam’s book this week.  Instead I will be moving to my e-book collection for stuff to review.  For you guys this will mean another double feature on DiFR since both books I have in mind are only about a hundred pages XD.  I will now be reviewing To Stand in the Light and My Lady King, both by Kayla Bashe.  I’ve updated Goodreads so the books should be showing up in my queue on the sidebar, feel free to check them out there if you’d like more info.  With that I will see you all tomorrow with my next Infuriating Fantasy topic.

Happy 4th of July to all those who celebrate and a happy day in general to those who don’t.

Update: 6/25/2015

I want to apologize for not having an article last Saturday and for my delay in getting DiFR started.  I had a medical emergency Saturday night and have been dealing with the anxiety and other fallouts of that.  I’m fine now and getting myself back into this.  I will have a double post for Infuriating Fantasy this Saturday to make up for last week’s miss and I will make a double post to celebrate the start of DiFR next Wednesday.  So you will here my opinion on Otherbound by Corinne Duyvis and my opinion on Wolfcry by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes.  That last one will likely involve a lot of gushing since Wolfcry is one of my favorite books of all time so be prepared for that XD.

See you all Saturday