DiFR #4: To Stand in the Light; by Kayla Bashe

Book: To Stand in the Light

Author: Kayla Bashe

Trigger warnings: kidnapping, vomit, past abuse |(if you spotted any I missed please let me know so I can add them, thanks)

Sub-genre: superhero

Page count: 112

Points of Diversity: people of color, physical disabilities, mental/emotional disabilities, gender identities, sexual identities, adoption/foster children

Intersectional Diversity?: yes

Would Recommend?: yes, highly

This story made me cry happy tears.  I can say that about only one other book I have ever read in my life.  That was Wolfcry by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes, the second book I reviewed for DiFR.  My reaction in this case was a result of seeing more of myself in a protagonist here than I ever have in any other book I’ve read.  For those who question why diversity is so important, how To Stand in the Light made me feel provides your answer.

The protagonist I am speaking of is called Bean Sprout.  (Yeah all the characters have wacky names.  I found it odd at first but then came to see it as rather endearing.) She is bisexual, has ADHD, anxiety, and a constant fear that her friends will find her annoying and leave her behind. These are all things that I myself deal with and as such reading about Bean was like looking in a mirror. Seeing how she was able to learn how to work with her disabilities provided hope and inspiration for me that I could do the same.

The other protagonist was a half demon named Shadow who deals with PTSD and a great deal of self hatred based on their appearance. They also have one of the best lines in the book when someone asks them about their gender identity and responds with, “I’m a superhero, I have more important things to worry about.”  Just like in My Lady King we see a world that is fully embracing and accepting of all different gender and sexual identities.  Asking someone about their pronouns is portrayed as a common courtesy and assuming a pronoun is seen as rude.  These are conventions I would like to see in our society so it’s wonderful to have them presented as normalized here.

The overall focus of the story is the idea that having a mind that works differently from others or a body that looks different does not make one “broken.” That love isn’t about what one deserves but simply how much you care about a person and how much they care for you in return. This was a very important message for me as I deal with self loathing as a part of my depression. I often feel like I don’t deserve the love or attention of my partner or friends give me even though I know intellectually that’s false. In the end both Bean and Shadow learn how to accept themselves and work through the difficulties they have. Seeing characters that I identify so closely with succeed with issues that I have struggled with has given me a major boost to my self-confidence and helped me to feel more comfortable in my own skin.

That’s why diversity is so important and why I highly recommend this book. I want other people to find the same sense of acceptance and hope that I did. It matters so much, and I’m really happy that authors like Kayla Bashe are writing stories that embrace such diversity.

Update 7/3/2015: DiFR and the Library

Well I was hoping to review Pantomime by Laura Lam for my next DiFR review but it turns out the library is closed all weekend for 4th of July, including today.  As such I won’t be able to grab my copy until at least Monday, perhaps even Tuesday since it’s still “in transit”.  As such I sadly will not be able to get to Lam’s book this week.  Instead I will be moving to my e-book collection for stuff to review.  For you guys this will mean another double feature on DiFR since both books I have in mind are only about a hundred pages XD.  I will now be reviewing To Stand in the Light and My Lady King, both by Kayla Bashe.  I’ve updated Goodreads so the books should be showing up in my queue on the sidebar, feel free to check them out there if you’d like more info.  With that I will see you all tomorrow with my next Infuriating Fantasy topic.

Happy 4th of July to all those who celebrate and a happy day in general to those who don’t.

DiFR #2: Otherbound

Book: Otherbound

Author: Corinne Duyvis

Trigger warnings: Abuse (physical, emotional, verbal, mental), Swearing (minimal), self-harm, suicide (attempted), Alcoholism, mutilation, vomit|(if you spotted any I missed please let me know so I can add them, thanks)

Age: Young Adult

Sub-genre: Urban/otherworld fantasy

Page Count: 387

Points of Diversity: people of color, poverty/lower class, disabilities, queer people, queer people of color, disabled people of color, women of color

Intersectional Diversity?: yes

Would Recommend?: yes, highly

I picked up Otherbound for my first DiFR review because it recently won the Bisexual Book Award for speculative fiction from The Bi Writers Association.  As a bisexual person myself, I have been frustrated with the lack of representation bi people receive.  As such, I felt that the winner of such an award would be the best place to start for this blog.

I first came across the book a few weeks ago while browsing Goodreads for stories with diverse protagonists.  The description didn’t interest me, most fantasy that involves people from earth doesn’t, so I passed it up.  As such, I’m glad Otherbound won the award.  If it hadn’t might never have picked the thing up.

Otherbound has a cast that is mostly people of color.  The main character on Earth, Nolan, is an amputee with a prosthetic leg who lives with a poor family.  He is diagnosed with epileptic seizures and hallucinations due to his uncontrollable possession of Amara.  However, the book makes it clear that he has none of these.  What he is experiencing is very different, but close enough that it’s understandable why doctors and parents would latch onto it as an explanation.  Nolan has been keeping journals of what he sees through Amara’s eyes, hoping to figure out why he has this connection with her and how to break free of it.

Amara, in her own world, Is a mute servant who communicates through sign language.  She also suffers severe physical and emotional abuse at the hands of the mage in their group Jorn. It is up to Amara, Jorn, and Maart (another mute servant and Amara’s lover) to protect Princess Cilla from the murderous ministers who took over her family’s throne.  sadly, having a princess around doesn’t stop Jorn from keeping control of the group through emotional abuse and fear tactics.

The book turned out to be far more fascinating than I initially gave it credit for, with a unique magic system that comes with dire consequences when abused.  As a writer myself, I loved seeing the plethora of new ideas, or at least new to me, presented in this story.

Now confession time.  If it weren’t for the fact that I had decided to review this book, I would have most likely given up on it about halfway through.  Now that’s not a criticism of Otherbound in this case.  It’s a self admonition over just how jaded I’ve become when it comes to stories.  You see, I don’t handle character death well. I’ve been hurt too many times by the poor handling of it in past.  So I have a tendency to assume the worst whenever the reaper comes knocking on my book cover.


That’s what I did when Amara’s lover, Maart, was killed while trying to protect her from Jorn’s abuse.  “Of course they killed him.” I thought. “had to make room for her to have a relationship with the princess she was making googly eyes at earlier.  Just had to choose the easy way out of that love triangle didn’t you?” (not that I wanted a love triangle. *shudders*)  I was especially mad because I had seen it coming from the beginning and had been hoping it wouldn’t happen.  So when it did the book was promptly thrown to the floor in my rage.

But as it turns out my fears and anger were unfounded in this case and I wish I hadn’t been so quick to judge.  Maart’s death actually had meaning, it had an impact.  It provided the motivation Amara and Cilla needed to make their escape from Jorn.  Amara is torn up with guilt over the fact that it took the death of the man she loves to finally spur her on.  While, yes, she does get together with Cilla in the end, it doesn’t change the fact that she still grieves for and misses Maart dearly.  He is remembered throughout the story, all the way to the last chapter.  Something which I rarely come across in the books I’ve encountered.

Perhaps the only complaint I find myself left with about Maart’s death is the plot armor aspect.  His death came soon after Amara was severely injured with deep cuts on her abdomen and elsewhere.  She had temporarily lost her healing powers but still survived.  I know blows to the head are serious business.  But I could still feel the plot armor that Amara was wearing when I compare how dramatic her injuries came off as vs. what, in Maart’s case, sounded like a mere bump.  However, that’s a minor point compared to everything else and could have easily been fixed by providing a better, more detailed description of the head blow Maart received.

The other big issue I had with the book was the basic premise that it turns out Amara isn’t a mage and that the only reason she has any powers at all is because of Nolan’s possession of her.  This fact made me feel like the primary female hero had no power of her own and that any purpose she did have was solely through him and his presence.  At first I felt like she was secondary to that of a man from another world.  This really bothered me because of how often women are treated like second bananas to men in the real world.

The thing is this issue was also addressed and very well.  Nolan does everything he can to be respectful of Amara, especially considering his lack of control.  Yes her healing is dependent on him.  But a major theme of the story is her learning to take power for herself. She learns to take charge of her own life and make choices based on what she wants, rather than on what others want from her.  I see this as a powerful and necessary message.  Especially today, where a corporate run world teaches us that taking any time out for ourselves and our own betterment is selfish and wrong.  The truth is, doing such is vital if we are to have any hope of living a fulfilling and happy life.


In summation, this book comes highly recommended from me.  The initial problems I had were all addressed.  Whatever problems I initially had were dealt with and, in the end, I didn’t feel like anything was lacking or missing.  Beyond that it was very enjoyable to read.  In the end though, my biggest reason for recommending this book is that it helped me become a little less jaded and to have a little more faith in the works I pick up.

DiFR #1: Wolfcry

Book: Wolfcry

Series: The Kiesha’ra: volume four

Author: Amelia Atwater-Rhodes

Trigger warnings: kidnapping, past abuse, attempted rape, hints at past rape of character|(if you spotted any I missed please let me know so I can add them, thanks)

Age: Young Adult

Sub-genre: otherworld/historical fantasy

Page count: 198

Points of Diversity: queer people, people of color(?), mute character (from past trauma)

Intersectional Diversity?: unclear

Would Recommend?: yes, highly

Wolfcry is one of my favorite books of all time and the first book I read with queer characters in it.  So I’m very happy that my early foray into queer fantasy had an overall happy ending, considering how most don’t.  Now, I am using the word queer instead of lesbian here because, while both of the characters in the queer relationship are women, it is not made explicitly clear where their sexual and romantic attractions lie. The only thing that is clear is that they are attracted to the same gender.  This in no way leaves out the possibility that one or both of them could be bisexual, pansexual, or even asexual. After all the women are never portrayed as having or being interested in sex.  This means my personal head-cannon of these two characters being in a platonic romance full of hugs and cuddles fits just fine. So I get to imagine the two of them calling each other “zucchi” while they snuggle up for warmth under the stars XD.

I take the time to point all this out because these other identities are all too often ignored or erased and I’m sick of that happening.  Characters should not be assumed lesbian just because you have two women dating each other when there are so many other wonderful possibilities out there.  This isn’t to knock lesbian relationships or their presence in books, just monosexual assumptions.

ok, rant over.

Does this book contain diversity beyond the two queer women?  Well we do have a character who spends most of the book mute due to past trauma.  Other than that it’s hard to say.  My memory of the overall series may be a bit foggy but I always got the sense that the stories took place in another world.  However while trying to remind myself of all the goings on I came across a Wikipedia article that stated that the Avians and Serpiente, two of the shape-shifting groups, are descended from lines that started in Egypt.  It also mentioned that the Mistari, tiger shape-shifters, came out of Asia. (cause that’s not stereotypical at all.)  If that’s true then it would be the case that most to all of the characters in this series are people of color.  Unfortunately, character descriptions are so sparse that actual specifics are difficult to determine and I don’t know if the mentions of Egypt and Asia were reader interpretation or not.

Betia, a wolf shape-shifter who becomes our protagonist’s love interest, is described as having “tanned skin.” But she comes from a cold climate where tanning would be difficult.  So I chose to picture her as a black woman and her “thick” hair became beautifully curled and textured in my mind.  However, whether this is accurate to the author’s image of her isn’t clear.  This also why I’m not including any of the other books in the series in my reviews here.  Any diversity present in the other books is ambiguous at best and this is the only one that makes it clear as far as I can tell.  If it turns out I’ve missed something though, please let me know.  I would love to be wrong in this regard.

Wolfcry itself is written from the perspective of Oliza Shardae Cobriana, heir to the Avian and Serpiente thrones.  Her people are currently in a very uneasy peace brought about by the marriage of her parents after generations of war.  She is kidnapped by a group of lion mercenaries and whisked away from her home.  It is in her attempts to return that she meets up with Betia and learns the truth of who hired the mercenaries and why.  The relationship between Oliza and Betia is very organic and so adorable it honestly makes me cry tears of joy at several points in the story.

Beyond that magic works differently in this world compared to what I’ve seen elsewhere.  The magic of different shape-shifters can actually clash in mixed children.  When this happens the bearer of such magic can find themselves driven insane and cause massive damage.   I love seeing unique takes on magic like this.  Much better than sticking with the same old rituals and spell books.

I would honestly recommend reading all five books in the series.  They’re fairly short, enjoyable reads, and each one follows a different character’s perspective.  However, if you only want to read Wolfcry, everything is explained such that you don’t have to read the books before it to get what’s going on here.  The overall theme is about trying to do what’s best for those you love, no matter how painful or how much they may not understand.  In the end I feel Oliza accomplishes this.  As painful and tragic a choice as she has to make, I would say that overall this book, and the the series, has a very happy ending.

Wikipedia article mentioned can be found here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Kiesha%27ra_Series#Mistari