Announcement: Weekly #diversefantasychat on Twitter

#diversefantasychat Sunday, August 23, 2015 at 6PM PST/9PM EST on Twitter

Anyone who follows me via Twitter may already be aware of this but I am officially hosting a Twitter chat on diverse fantasy.  This will be a weekly chat that I am putting together under the hashtag #diversefantasychat.  Each week we will discuss a different topic within the sphere of diverse fantasy.  The first chat will be on Sunday, August 23, 2015 at 6PM PST/9PM EST.

For those who don’t know a Twitter chat is a chat that takes place on twitter under a specific hashtag (#).  To participate you simply include that hashtag (in this case #diversefantasychat) in your twitter message.  This particular chat will follow a question/answer format.  I will post questions like this: “Q1. what are some ways we can support diverse authors of fantasy? #diversefantasychat” to respond you can click the reply or retweet button or simply start a new twitter post and type something like this: “A1. (your answer to question goes here) #diversefantasychat.” Make sure you include the hashtag so everyone participating in the chat can see it.

Our first topic will be on supporting diversity in fantasy.  If you have any suggestions for questions to ask about the topic let me know in the comments or on twitter.  Also if you have any recommendations for future topics I’d love to hear from you.  After each twitter chat I will be creating a Storify for twitter and a blog post of the highlights from that chat will be posted here by 6PM on Monday.

Please help me spread the word of this event so we can make it as huge as possible.  If you have any questions feel free to contact me here or over at twitter at @marsmoonwater.  You can also email me at

Look forward to seeing you all there.